Yesterday, I managed to catch hold of a contact,working in Mediacorp. This afternoon, I have sent an email of the questions for his reference and vetting. Hopefully it is related to his field of work and he accepts the interview. Since Temesak Review did not reply, I should send an email to The Online Citizen as a replacement interview. Hopefully I can retrieve an expert interviewee from the editorial board.
In addition, I've prepared some potential answers and case studies to illustrate certain points about citizen journalism. In the recent coming days, I should continue to pay attention to popular news stories featured on Temesak Review and The Online Citizen. That should help with some contextual knowledge, so I can fully understand my interviewee's answers.
Tomorrow I shall meet with my two minor interviewees for their opinions about citizen journalism, social media and trends amongst youth. Hopefully, I can meet with the deadlines and obtain the responses via email.